This graph shows us the frequency of feelings of frustration in the people in your life and we can see that some people, a minimum percentage, feeling frustration often. But this situation is completely different because people that feel frustration sometimes increase significantly. A little decrease we can see in the percentage of people that feeling frustration. In this graph people that never had felt frustration is very important and is very good that cities or countries have this level of frustration, I think that the people who live there are very happy, although people that sometimes feel frustration is an important percentage.

This graph is very connected with people that feel frustration. These graph show us people that taking account of karma in daily life. People that feel the karma in daily life have a 45% an important number, this number almost is the middle of people, and it is a considerable number. People that feel sometimes the karma in daily life is more than the people that feel the karma in a daily day never and often, we can think that these people are very superstitious, it is a high number.
These graphs are connected, I think, because a karma in a daily day could connect with frustration for the feeling that both things or feelings create in people. One frustration in the job could connect with a bad behavior, people connect both events.